Mozilla Web Literacy & Google Applied Digital Skills *Bonus Google Tip

This week I am sharing Mozilla’s Web Literacy lessons and Google’s Applied Digital Skills curriculum with you. Both of these resources are beneficial when it comes to digital literacy. Digital Literacy is the ability to navigate and understand technology in order to use it safely and effectively. Some examples of foundational digital literacy skills include:

-Understanding what the difference is between a download and an upload

-Understanding how to operate various devices such as a PC, tablet, smart phone, etc.

-Being able to navigate the internet, determine credible sources, and synthesize information

-Understanding best practices for email

-Being able to collaborate, create, and learn in a digital space

One of my favorite activities from Mozilla’s Web Literacy is Tag Tag Revolution. It teaches HTML coding through embodiment. Students gain a better understand of what this web literacy skill of writing code is like.

One of my favorite lessons from Google’s Applied Digital Skills is If-Then Adventure Stories. Students collaboratively use Google Slides to write an If-Then Story. Here is a quick example of what a digital If-Then story could look like.

Gmail Tip: How to configure your inbox

Did you know you can choose how to format your Gmail inbox?  This may help with productivity when it comes to managing the time you spend on emails on any given day.  When you are in Gmail, click the gear for Settings, click the Inbox tab, choose the inbox type of your choice (Default, Important first, Unread first, Starred first, or Priority inbox).  I have more Gmail productivity tips coming your way! Stay tuned…

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