
What is a quick fire?

A quick fire is a task that you need to complete in a specific limited amount of time. The purpose of a quick fire is to give your all in that allotted time constraint. On this page, you will find all of my products created during a quick fire challenge.

Lego Stop Motion Video With a group of colleagues, I created a short stop motion film.  We split into two teams, an animation team and a story team.  The animation team practice animation skills and learned how to use the iMotion app.  The story team came up with a script for the story that was going to be portrayed in the short film.  Brickflicks stop motion workshop was challenging because of the time constraints but the end products were pretty decent.  I was in the group that wrote the story with the yeti.

Spartans Will I created my own Spartans Will campaign poster.  This helped me understand and learn about branding concepts. This quick fire helped me acquire a new critical lens to look through as I design my digital presence and maintain my brand. This opened my eyes to a new realm of design and I love it!  I’ve always had friends in the advertising world but I think this may be a new hobby for me.


Glogtroductions I created a glog to introduce myself using multimedia. A Glog is an interactive visual platform that allows users to create an interactive digital poster.

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PLN Visualization I created a visual representation of my personal learning network (PLN) using a mind mapping tool, Mind Meister.

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SIG3D I explored special interest group (SIG) 3D, which focuses on best practices for the growing stereoscopic 3D community. I created a Google Presentation that gives brief overview of SIG3D.

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I created this word cloud using Wordle so that I could describe MAET program.

GalangQuickfireTabooFinal Popcorn Remix  Using Mozilla Popcorm Maker, I created a remix to portray The Electric Classroom. I still cannot figure out why it works in chrome and doesn’t work when you open it in safari.  Safari plays it without my music that I added to the remix and it doesn’t play the entire video.

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Learning Theories Infographics An infographic is a visual representation of information. I created this infographic to highlight the learning theory of The Experiental Learner.

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Learning more about the maker movement, I explored paper circuits. I made Big Red Lighthouse in Holland, MI. This could be used to teach about Michigan, geography, weather, mapping, and electricity. If you push the cloud, the circuit is completed and the lighthouse illuminates.


Learning Spaces I redesigned my 5th grade classroom to maximize productivity and to create a better learning environment.


Marshmallow Challenge: My team was given spaghetti, string, tape, and a marshmallow. We had to create the tallest structure with the marshmallow being on top.


QR lies: I created QR codes to play the game, 2 Truths 1 Lie. Do you know which is the lie?

I played trumpet in the Spartan Marching Band

spartan trumpets My sister plays in the Michigan Marching Band

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I love pasta

i love pasta
Trans-disciplinary Thinking I created an infographic to display the habit of mind, Perceiving.

Screen Shot 2014-07-21 at 11.50.26 AM5 x 5 Vignette: I collaborated with my colleague, Kelly Boston, to tell the story of “Plugging In”. We had to use 5 raw clips, each a duration of 5 seconds, keeping in mind the “rule of thirds”.


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